The board of governors at Laurentian University recently approved a $23.9-million building contract for Phase 2 of the Laurentian School of Architecture. Phase 2 involves the construction of a new 55,000-square-foot facility that will provide classrooms, studio space, a lecture hall, lounges, and office space. “It is an exceptional and innovative design and we believe the final result will be an exciting, visually stunning addition to the cityscape,” said Laurentian Architecture’s Founding Director, Terrance Galvin. “The whole community is going to see this beautiful structure taking shape over the months to come, and I think it’s going to be thrilling to watch this dynamic process.” Phase 1 of the project involved renovating 2 heritage buildings, which currently house the architecture school. The Laurentian School of Architecture officially opened in September 2013, the first new architecture school to open in Canada in over 40 years.Laurentian News