British Columbia last week made 2 funding announcements that will benefit learners with disabilities as well as Aboriginal learners. The province committed $1.5 M in funding, to be divided equally among 20 PSE institutions, to help persons with disabilities develop job skills that match the needs of BC’s labour market. “The employment rate for people with disabilities is 18 percentage points lower than for people without a disability. We heard very clearly through our recent disability consultation that people with disabilities who are under employed, and those who can and want to work, need better support,” said BC Social Development and Social Innovation Minister Don MacRae. BC also announced $6.4 M in funding to support 23 projects that forge skills-training partnerships between PSE institutions and local Aboriginal communities. “By improving access to education, skills and trades training for Aboriginal students through programs like the Aboriginal Community-based Delivery Partnerships program, we can help Aboriginal communities to take advantage of economic opportunities and support BC’s labour market,” said BC Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk. Both investments come as part of BC’sSkills for Jobs BlueprintBC News Release (Disabilities) | BC News Release(Aboriginal)

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