1133 Regent Street, Suite 500 | Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 3Z2,Canada

Telephone: 506-453-8300 | Website: www.aei-inc.ca | Facebook: atlanticeducationinternational


Atlantic Education International Inc. (AEI) was created in 1997 by the province of New Brunswick to deliver world class education opportunities to the global community through the province’s Department of Education. These include:

Partnership Programs with accredited international institutions in China & other countries offering Education’s and Early Childhood Development’s curriculum and a New Brunswick High School Diploma to successful students.

Teaching Abroad opportunities for New Brunswick educators and administrators with off-shore partner schools in China, Bangladesh and Brazil. More than 500 New Brunswick educators have taught Education’s and Early Childhood Development’s curriculum abroad.

NB Internation Student Logo


New Brunswick International Student Program (NBISP) , where 11to 18 year-olds from around the world come for an English-language immersion experience in a public school for one semester, the full year, or a 4 to 12 week stay.
To date, over 2000 students from around the world have participated in NBISP.