No region on earth is growing faster or expanding its role in international affairs more quickly than the Asian community of nations. Perhaps, the Indian sub-continent, with its glorious Indus Valley Civilization, is now once again emerging as one of the most important countries of the world. The Indian sub-continent is home to more than 1 billion people, nearly one sixth of the World’s population. The ICEC is an organization dedicated to empowering the students of India for accessing the best educational and career opportunities in the world.


Our work philosophy would inculcate the following principles, which we consider supreme and it shall be our endeavour to follow them religiously, both in letter and spirit at all times.

1)  Provide highest quality educational services to students.
2)  Act in the best interests of ICEC members / stakeholders at all times
4)  To reach out to other stake holders and those with an interest in achieving optimum potential in this sector. This not-for-profit organization will become a key ‘go to’ organization, boldly launch initiatives, and lead meaningful missions that will continue to galvanize this ‘education corridor’.

The objectives of the Council are:


Educational collaborations promote universal and equitable access to education, and develop in students the knowledge, confidence, and requisite skills to become lifelong learners and economic competitors in a dynamic global marketplace. Today, success is determined by access to knowledge. It is no longer an option, it is an imperative mandate for survival. An important mission of the ICEC would be to galvanize high-impact educational collaborations between educational entities in India on the one hand and those in Canada on the other. and to organize targeted and timely seminars by alumni associations to inform potential students about the merits of an education or exchange program in either country.

The ICEC would act as an internationally recognized support system for 21st Century education for bridging the education divide.

The Indian educational system has been in a state of transition in the recent past. India has the world’s second largest post-secondary student population of over 12.8 million. It is expected that this number will double over the next decade. Further, Indian economy is also transforming into an international powerhouse requiring India to have the best possible educational amenities/opportunities for its citizens. Faced with a growing demand for post secondary education and limited resources, India is looking to the private sector and foreign universities to bridge this expected shortage gap. India is a member of the WTO and has now become a signatory to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), thereby enabling high quality educational services to be offered in India from around the world.

ICEC recognizes that collaborative research programs, graduate and post-graduate programs, twinning programs, certificate programs, faculty exchange programs, study-in-India programs, and partnership programs between Indian institutions and Canadian Universities are extremely useful in meeting the rapidly growing Indian educational needs. These programs contribute to the goal of preparing students to compete in the global economy.


Direct Campus visits of Canadian Schools, Universities, Colleges, and  Institutes to Indian Members places in India; Internship Visits of Students to Canadian Schools Colleges & Universities in Canada
Campus Set-up in India with Indian Partners (subject to Government of  India Approval);
Members (Indian or Candian VC OR DEAN) will be joining as Advisors with ICEC’s  Advisory Committee

To regularly organize Indian Counsellor tours that would give the counsellors an opportunity to attend key seminars in Canada and meet Canadian Institutions to familiarize themselves with Canadian education systems and facilities. The Canadian Institutions will benefit by receiving brand recognition amongst key academic influencers and from important ‘buying committee’ members.

• To mobilize resources and assets online via the Internet using social networking tools to foster an awareness and the development of an ‘academic community’ for sharing of information between academia, students, agents, high school counsellors and other like minded groups to ‘connect’ with each other.
• To create a ‘clearing house’ of information and develop a highly potent and interactive database that can be utilized within the academic community to benefit users in both countries and update users of key events and activities which may be of interest.

• To deliver value by personally visiting and/or meeting every member Institution at least once a year to share sector updates, discuss membership benefits, solicit feedback and share potential opportunities.


With the recent liberalization of the economy in the Indian sub-continent and the growing affluence of the large middle class, study in foreign countries is no longer just a dream for many students from the sub-continent. It is indeed a very viable option. Students from the sub-continent are interested in foreign universities to pursue their higher education goals and tap into international career opportunities.

ICEC strongly believes in providing honest, up-to-date and accurate information with friendly , courteous and 100% free comprehensive service to Students from all over Indian Sub-continent. It is an Organization where students can go for free admission counselling, information and support, scholarship and internship updates, pre-departure sessions and guidance. ICEC counsels 20,000 students per year and promotes its services heavily via student fair attendance, member visits, and online advertising. Learn more about our popular Student Outreach Services.


ICEC will provide Policy Alerts from Indo-Canada Immigration/Education Departments and Government policies of both  countries .It will also provide a GRIEVANCES CELL for both stakeholders, including Key Students studying in Canada for any Provintial / Federal Level issues and Complaints

The ICEC Logo will be used by Indo-Canadian members for linking ICEC Newsletters and new policy alerts by Education and  Immigration Departments

International Academic Partnerships: Twenty-Five Sample Activities

By Susan Buck
Sutton, Bryn Mawr College

1 One- or two-way movement of students who take courses or work in laboratories at either institution for short term, one semester, or full year.

2. One- or two-way movement of students who pursue internships or engage in service learning projects at
either institution for short term, one semester, or full year.

3. 2+2, 1+2+1, and similar programs in which students at the partner institution take one to three years at
their institution and then one to two years at yours, earning degrees at both.

4. Joint or coordinated degrees, enrolling students from both institutions as a unified cohort and req
uiring coursework at both institutions.

5. Tailored full-semester study abroad programs developed for your students at the partner institution,
involving courses and in-country orientation aimed specifically at the visiting students.

6. Tailored short-term study abroad programs developed for your students at the partner institution, which can be stand-alone courses or complements to courses you teach (e.g., alternate spring break

7. Tailored full-semester or short-term study abroad programs developed at your institution for students
from the partner institution.

8. Collaborative teaching in which students and faculty at both institutions are joined in a single virtual
classroom through video conferences, email exchanges and web-based platforms, for either whole courses or components of whole courses.

9. Exchange of faculty for purposes of guest teaching, either whole courses or components of whole

10. provision of online, CD-Rom, or DVD courses and/or teaching modules from either institution to the

11. one-to-one faculty collaboration (through visits or electronic communication) for purposes of research or
applied projects.

12. collaborative research or applied projects that are pursued on a long-term, institutional level by
both institutions working in partnership with each other
13. faculty development activities (e.g., workshops, video conferences, short courses) in which faculty
or staff at one institution provide sessions for personnel at the other.

14.institution-building activities (e.g., workshops, site visits, video conferences) in which personnel
at one institution assist the other in terms of institutional assessment, faculty development, service learning, pedagogy, research development, accreditation, enrollment management, fund-raising, and similar

15.Video conferences involving faculty and other personnel at both institutions, for the purposes of getting to know one another, developing new projects, and exchanging ideas and information.

16.Video conferences and other electronic communication involving students at both institutions for the
purposes of getting to know one another, developing joint student activities, and understanding one
another’s Countries.

17.Collaborating on lectures, film series, and performances that spread Knowledge of the partner country at your institution, and/or knowledge of  Canada at Indian partner institutions.

18. Jointly sponsored conferences on topics of mutual interest, to be held at either institution.

19. Jointly sponsored publications or publication series on topics of mutual interest.

20. Sharing of library resources, especially those that are digital in nature.